Yakamia Creek
Albany’s Living Stream
Yakamia Creek drains a mixed agricultural/urban catchment through the City of Albany and enters Oyster Harbour. The creek is partly channelized to prevent flooding in the floodplain portion of the lower catchment.
The aim is to return continuity of riparian form and function to an urbanised catchment stream. The City of Albany’s vision for the next ten years is to be clean, green and sustainable. Within the objective to protect and enhance our natural environment, the City has endorsed actions that protect and enhance the health of our waterways including providing habitat for local flora and fauna.
A Living Stream Management Plan presents opportunities for rehabilitation of fragmented urban waterways with respect to their ecological health and community social benefits.
This project is working closely with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation as a component of their Regional Estuaries Initiative and complements work done by the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group and the Friends of Yakamia Creek.
News of the Project:
Over the two years of the Yakamia Creek project, there has been 25 community engagement events involving over 300 people and establishing three rehabilitation sites, engaging 20 contractors along with volunteers planting more than 5000 seedlings.
The rehabilitation sites demonstrate achievable options to encourage better management practises by landowners that have Yakamia Creek flowing through their property.
South Coast NRM hopes to continue this project with the new State Government Healthy Estuaries WA program and attract further funds to support rehabilitation actions on Yakamia Creek.