Carbon Tools & Resources
Carbon Farming Foundation DIY Calculator
The Carbon Farming Foundation is a WA based organisation led by farmers to assist growers in running carbon projects. Their DIY Carbon Tool is free to use and can help you model you project during the inception phase. Using this tool you can estimate your costs, emissions, sequestrations and the ACCUs you can earn from a carbon project. This is a fantastic way to visualise a potential project.
LOOC-C has been developed by CSIRO and is one of the more commonly known tools for carbon farming.
This tool allows you to assess different carbon projects offered by the Emissions Reduction Fund and apply them to your property to visually assess which program might work best for you.
Greenhouse Gases Accounting Frameworks
The Greenhouse Accounting Frameworks (GAF) were developed by the Primary Industries and Climate Change Centre.
There are versions of the tool for cropping, livestock, sugar, horticulture and more, which are free to download from the website linked below.
FullCAM is a calculation tool for modelling Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions from the land sector. This is the nationally accepted calculation tool, however, it can be complex to understand and use. For estimation purposes, the Carbon Farming Foundations DIY Carbon tool is much more user friendly, and is based on FullCAM’s methodology.
A farmer’s handbook to on-farm carbon management
Produced by Agrifutures, this book supports producers with practical information on the feasibility of carbon sequestration activities on their farm.
The Cool Farm Tool
Established by the Cool Farm Alliance, this tool is an online greenhouse gas, water and biodiversity calculator, that allows you to calculate how altered management practices could reduce your net emissions, as well as explore biodiversity management and your water footprint.
DPIRD's Co-Benefits WA State Map
This interactive mapping tool allows individuals to overlay multiple potential co-benefits over their proposed projects to see what kind of co-benefits a carbon farming project could deliver on their property.
Emissions Reduction Fund Case Studies
The Clean Energy Regulator has a series of case studies videos in all areas of agriculture, including, cattle, revegetation, forestry, soil carbon and more. These case studies have been made readily available for potential carbon project proponents to see how these projects work in real life.