Soil Health
Healthy soils are essential to produce quality crops and pastures. Soil must be physically, nutritionally and biologically balanced be productive and stable. Soil structure decline, soil acidification and soil erosion are common soil health issues with the potential to severely restrict agricultural productivity on susceptible soil types, while erosion may also contribute to downstream sedimentation and turbidity within water storages. Good soil health is about creating a robust soil that can withstand impacts, such as agriculture, without loss of fertility, structure and biological activity. (Agriculture Victoria website, 2006)
watch more of our soil health videos at South Coast NRM’s Youtube Channel @SouthCoastNRM - Make sure to Like and Subscribe!
Meet Our Soil Health Champions
A Soil Health Champion is a farmer who is taking strong action to improve the health of their soils. They demonstrate the principles of sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. These are farmers that strive for excellence in the food they produce and believe healthy soils are not an option – they are mandatory. They are the farmers of today who will influence our farmers of tomorrow
Jolene Daniels is a Soil Health Champion 2022!
Jolene Daniel was recently announced the South Coast Regions Soil Health Champion. In recognition of Jolene’s outstanding achievements, we are very proud to release this short film, showcasing her farming life in Needilup.
Jolene was recognised as a passionate advocate for soil health improvement. She continually strives to trial new approaches to see what adapts well on her farm in Needilup. Her philosophy aims to restore the health of the natural landscape to provide thriving and productive agricultural and natural ecosystems.
Richard Davy is a Soil Health Champion 2020 !
2020 South Coast Soil Health Champion winner Richard Davy is featured in a newly released short film showcasing his organic farming property Windi Windi in Mettler near Wellstead on the South Coast WA.
The award recognises Richard’s commitment to farming systems which develop healthy soils along with sharing his knowledge in the community. The film was jointly funded through South Coast NRM and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and developed by Green Man Media.
Find more relevant Case studies at our Revisit History Case Studies page.
One’s to look out for include:
Healthy Soils Produce Happy Vines
Farming with Nature: Summer Cover Cropping & Evergreen Farming
For more information
What is soil health?
http://vro.agriculture.vic.gov.au/dpi/vro/vrosite.nsf/pages/soilhealth_what_is (Agriculture Victoria)
Soil Quality
Agriculture Victoria (2006) What is a healthy soil?
Website http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/farm-management/soil-and-water/soils/what-is-a-healthy-soil