Our Partner Groups
Working with us towards a sustainable agricultural future
Partner Groups
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc (FBG)
The FBG is a not for profit grower and NRM group operating within the Shire of Jerramungup. The group works with farmers, researchers, industry groups and federal and State agencies to address local production issues (e.g. diseases, pests and nutrient limitations) and NRM issues (i.e. salinity and soil acidification) to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agricultural industry and the communities within the region. The group is focused on research, marketing, education and the environment.
Gillamii Centre
The Gillamii Centre aims to lead and inspire the agricultural community and the community at large to be involved with sustainable land use through training, education and knowledge. They aim to encourage and lead in the efficient use of resources across the community while protecting and enhancing the natural environment.
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Inc (NSPNR)
The group aims to bring together people, organisations and information, so that communities in the North Stirlings Pallinup sub-region are able to drive the better management of Natural Resources, resulting in social, economic and environmental sustainability. They work to inspire current and future generations through coordination, education and examples of the benefits accruing from sustainable management of the region’s natural resources.
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group Inc (OHCG)
OHCG aims to increase community participation in NRM within the catchment and encourage the incorporation of NRM concerns within planning strategies at all government levels. The catchment group also aims to promote ecologically and economically sustainable farming practices.
Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc (RAIN)
RAIN is a not-for-profit community group promoting responsible NRM and long-term sustainable agricultural systems in the Ravensthorpe district. RAIN supports the community and other stakeholders in a wide range of NRM activities including the planning and implementation of on-ground activities; coordination of trials, research and education, and providing a forum for NRM issues.
Torbay Catchment Group
The Torbay Catchment Group is a community-based volunteer organisation, whose primary focus is on protecting and restoring the health of the lands and waterways within the greater Torbay catchment and supporting a prosperous and sustainable community within the area.
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Inc (WICC)
WICC is the peak community based organisation within the Wilson Inlet catchment. WICC is involved in all areas of integrated catchment and Natural resource management, achieving on-ground results with land managers and owners.