Upcoming events.
Albany Wetland Summit 2022
This is an event about challenging landscapes, unique threats, seeing potential and collaborative futures.
Debunking Drainage
SAVE THE DATE: Debunk good drainage design, legislation and more with industry reps and local case studies!
South Coast Carbon Roadshow - Jerramungup
Cut through the Carbon Confusion with Industry Experts!
South Coast Carbon Roadshow - Esperance
Cut through the Carbon Confusion with Industry Experts!
ASHEEP Spring Field Day
The annual ASHEEP Spring Field Day is open to all farmers and those in the agricultural industry to attend.
RAIN Ravensthorpe Spring Field Day
Tag along to Ravensthorpe’s annual Spring Field Day this September! To find out more or register your interest, contact RAIN and book your spot.
We’ll see you there!
Opportunities for a Changing Climate.
Opportunities in a Changing Climate.... On the back of the WA Governments announcement yesterday, there is more talk about carbon and opportunities. What does it all mean? Head along to this upcoming event. Opportunities in a Changing Climate will be an interactive event with some fabulous independent speakers.
We are pleased to be supporting this event alongside Oyster Harbour Catchment Group Inc. and Western Beef Association Inc.
Supported through the Australian Governments National Landcare Program.
GRDC Crop Updates
The GRDC Grains Research Update events are for agronomists, consultants, researchers and growers to see and discuss the latest in research.
This is a GRDC Update event coordinated by the Grain Industry Association of WA.
WA Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program Workshop
An informative workshop on the State Government's $15 million Western Australian Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program. This is a free ticketed event - visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wa-carbon-farming-and-land-restoration-program-workshop-tickets-162630735909 to secure your place.
Drought & Flood Relief - Community Outreach event Norseman
Make the most of this awesome initiative from the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency to learn more about what’s available to help you!
To find out more, get in contact with sophiew@southcoastnrm.com.
we hope to see you there!
Drought & Flood Relief - Community Outreach Event Salmon Gums
Make the most of this awesome initiative from the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency to learn more about what’s available to help you!
To find out more, get in contact with sophiew@southcoastnrm.com.
we hope to see you there!
Drought & Flood - Community Outreach - Cascade
Make the most of this awesome initiative from the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency, to learn about what help is available for you!
If you have any queries, reach out to sophiew@southcoastnrm.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Oyster Harbour Estuary Forum
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and Oyster Harbour Catchment Group are providing an update on Oyster Harbour.
Come along to hear from DWER, Oyster Harbour Catchment Group and other project partners investigating and protecting the health of the harbour. Presentations will cover the latest water quality data and projects to improve the health of the estuary.